The crack repair process begins by cleaning and inspecting the crack. Then injection ports are surface-mounted approximately every 6″ over the top of the crack with an epoxy paste. The rest of the crack is sealed off with the same epoxy paste. Once the epoxy paste hardens, the injection process can begin. The epoxy resin is then injected through the ports and into the crack using the injection pump. The injection process continues until the crack is completely filled or until refusal. Once the epoxy resin hardens, the ports are removed. The pressure epoxy process involves no chipping, grinding, or drilling.
Our epoxy resin is three to five times stronger than concrete, making the repair the strongest part of the structure. Once the cracks are repaired, the structure’s original monolithic integrity is returned, allowing it to perform as it was originally designed to do
Proper pressure injection of epoxy involves a high degree of expertise to ensure the epoxy is injected into the crack properly. Panther has specialized in concrete crack repair since 1993, repairing hundreds of structures over the years. Our technicians are factory trained and certified in epoxy injection. We only use pumps that were specifically designed for epoxy injection, not caulk guns or homemade pumps. Panther is also a member of International Concrete Repair Institute.
Pressure epoxy injections fixed numerous cracks in columns during reconstruction of the bridge and was injected under bearing pads.
Waterproofing bulkheads by injecting urethane grout into construction joints.
Injected numerous cracks in a hammer head support column for the tram, achieved full penetration in 5′ thick concrete, and repaired cracks in the new customs building.
Injected more than 1,000 linear feet of cracks in 14″ thick taxiway.
Injected over 8,000′ of cracks in concrete containment for tank farm.
Injected over 5,000′ of cracks in warehouse floor.